
Blog SEO Keywords

Seo keywords: Finding The Best Keywords To Rank For

Search engine optimization (SEO) is far more than a technical application and a content strategy. Finding potential customers online is more important than ever, whether you are a small business or a Fortune 500 company, but to find potential customers you must understand their search intent and find a way to entice them. Choosing keywords based on your target audience will always be the most direct path but to quality, converting traffic, but you must know where to start.

Keyword strategy is the foundation of search engine optimization, and there are numerous ways to approach keyword research. After you have discovered the right keywords, there is still plenty o do. Take a look at some proven methods of finding and ranking for SEO keywords to help your business thrive.

Deciding On Strategy

Before you ever decide on what SEO keywords to rank for, it’s imperative to decide what your ranking strategy will be. Are you focusing on creating a few pages that you hope to eventually rank, or are you planning to target long-tail keywords, hoping to build natural authority and rank for hundreds of search terms?

Oftentimes, your strategy will depend on your business niche. Some sites successfully rank pages by having a small collection of high-quality, informative content to which they drive backlinks. Other websites use the power of content to organically build authority, targeting “long tail keywords”.

Starting Keyword Research

When planning out your SEO keywords, it’s highly beneficial to have a keyword research tool at your disposal. There are plenty of applications to choose from, all differing slightly in certain areas, but end-goal is to explore volumes for search queries in your category. These keyword research tools give you an insight into how many monthly searches there are for a term, and sometimes even the difficulty to rank for a term.

Finding A Keyword Research Tool

These programs and software are much more helpful than that though. Sites like Ahrefs let you plug in keyword ideas that think would have a volume and give you a list of relevant keywords with similar search intent. Looking at keyword research tools like these gives you a chance to observe the search volume of SEO keywords, along with long tail keywords that would support your original term. After finding the ideal phrase to target, you can dive deeper into your keyword research to write on specific topics.

Forums are a great place to read up on the best SEO keyword research tools, but you will ultimately need to find a program that suits your preferences. The trouble with most keyword research tools is they are fairly expensive, and rightfully so. The input given by programs like Ahrefs, Moz,, and other SEO tools is crucial to professionals everywhere, helping find the best SEO keywords in every area and industry. To make matters worse for small business owners, it’s ideal to use multiple programs for tracking your progress, planning new keywords, and watching search volume trends frequently. An extensive amount of time and money is spent setting up and maintaining high-quality SEO tools.

Utilizing Keyword Research

Taking keyword suggestions with a low volume and working your way up to difficult SEO keywords will help you organically build authority along with a monthly search volume on your website. Web pages that give an online audience valuable, relevant information will naturally start to rank, but you may need to spend an excess of time to create content with specific keywords in a mass volume. Depending on your niche, you may need to supply search engines with tons of relevant content before your site develops enough trust to rank.

Search engines like to see frequency, and monthly posting is recommended at a minimum. For best results though, some experts recommend indexing a new blog post several times per week, if not daily. This level of consistency allows you to branch out into all of the long tail keywords you found during your keyword research process, but it takes commitment. If you have not started to create content for your site, you are probably in for a time-consuming venture.

Ensuring that all content is fluent, informational, relevant, and contains sound grammar takes time and effort, which many business owners cannot devote daily. In order to rank for the best keywords, you must build authority somehow, so if not by the volume of content, then how?

Search engines rank sites for SEO keywords because their analysis of the online content and the entire site told crawlers that they are the most authoritative, knowledgeable source of information for that particular topic. If you don’t have the time or energy to use relevant keywords and create supporting content, then you must build authority another way.

The best way to increase your authority in a niche and in turn, improve your rankings without attacking content daily is to generate backlinks to the site and page you are trying to rank. Ideally, backlinks should come from viewers that enjoyed your content and shared it on their site or another platform. This is another challenging process, but it is only getting harder to rank for SEO keywords, so to keep driving sales for your business, you must do something.

The Best Solution for Conquering Search Engines

The average business owner has far too many tasks on their plate without worrying about SEO keywords and the process that goes into ranking on Google and other search engines. After the time is found to start your SEO keyword research, write and optimize your content (Which requires another tool), and apply all other necessary edits to rank your site, you are left paying for a program and way behind on your daily tasks.

Hiring an SEO professional alleviates the headache and time consumption from finding the right keywords and ranking for topics that will provide your website with the highest conversion. SEO is a process, and that process is a lot easier when you have an expert on your side. Learn how SEO can help small businesses today!